Want to grow deeper in your relationship with God?
Want to rediscover the sense of Christian Community?
Want to rediscover the tools needed to live a Christian life?

Consider "Cursillo"


"Cursillo" is a spiritual experience that will help our hearts and minds grow and remind us of the great love that Jesus has for each of us. In the Diocese of Trenton, Cursillo is offered annually. 

The purpose of the "Cursillo - a Cursillo in Christianity" is to help us grow in faith and to help us to live a fully Christian Life. 

The "Cursillo" starts with a three day weekend running from Thursday evening to Sunday afternoon. A team of speakers offer talks on aspects of our Christian life. Through these talks, we are challenged to strengthen our relationship with God and with others. At the end of the "Cursillo," we are given the tools and resources to start the rest of our lives.

The "Cursillo" focuses on three basic concepts:
Piety - What are those things that will help our spiritual growth?
Study - What helps us to be more Christian?
Action - What can I do to bring change in others and/or the world for the better?

Tens of Thousands of Catholics, and the faithful from other denominations throughout the world have been through the "Cursillo." 

The "Cursillo" will help us to proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord and help us to build up the body of Christ, the Church in all those places we are in our lives - home, work, church and all the other "environments."


  • Early 1940s: The "Cursillo" and The Cursillo Movement begins in Majorca, Spain. It began when a group of people dedicated themselves to bringing themselves closer to Christ. The "Cursillo" developed as they prayed and worked together, sharing their thoughts about the state of the world and the effectiveness of their efforts to bring the light of Christ to it.
  • Late 1940s: The first Cursillo weekend is given. Today's "Cursillo"  is very similar to those early sessions. The Cursillo grew in the climate of spiritual renewal. 
  • 1957: The first "Cursillo" in the United States is held in Waco, Texas. 
  • 1960s: Cursillo spreads throughout the United States and the world. 
  • 1965: The Cursillo Movement is formally organized in the United States. The National Cursillo Office is established in Waco, Texas. It is recognized by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops.
  • 1972: Cursillo comes to Trenton Diocese through the efforts of Father Jay Bowden (who made his Cursillo in Brooklyn, New York, ) Bill and Mary Ellen Cortright (who made their Cursillo in Buffalo, New York) and several other people who approached Bishop George W. Ahr and received his blessing to begin an English-speaking Cursillo in the Diocese.
  • 1997: Cursillo in the Diocese of Trenton celebrates its 25th Anniversary. Over the 25 years, more than 3,000 people have taken the "Cursillo" in this Diocese.
  • 2022: Trenton Cursillo celebrates its 50th Anniversary celebrating this Christ-centered movement.


In the Diocese of Trenton, those who are in a position to receive the Sacraments of the Catholic Church, or could become so, are eligible for the "Cursillo". If you are interested, an individual who has taken the "Cursillo" will "sponsor" you for the course. 

A "Cursillo"-like experience is also offered by non-Roman Catholic denominations (Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopal, etc.). 

For further information please email

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MCC Trenton - Movimiento de Cursillos de Christiandad de Trenton