In this season of thanksgiving, we have many thanks to offer to Father Jay Bowden, who was born on this day in 1936.

It is over two years since Father Jay passed away. He remains in our thoughts, our hearts and our prayers.

In 2011, we assembled an audio of memories of seventeen cursillistas who had passed away. A full list of those remembered and the cursillistas who remembered them are down below.

At the end of the thirteen minute audio, Father Jay shares a memory of Joyce Walsh Zarsky. Father Jay ends his memory as he wishes Joyce to RIP - first saying Rest in Peace but  then changing it to in Rejoice in Peace. 

Rejoice in Peace, Father Jay. We love you and DeColores!

You can listen to the memories AT THIS LINK.


Phyllis McKinstry remembers Valerie Bromsky
Jackie Devine remembers her husband, Tom Devine
Johnny DiStefano remembers Bob Leone
Til Dallavalle remembers Arny Dupont
Rick Klarmann remembers Roger Webster
Mary Ann Dowd remembers her brother, Anthony Forte
Lisa Klarmann remembers Marcy Grady
Harry DiSereria remembers Cass DeFalco
Len Capobianco remembers Cass DeFalco
Gordon Reinold remembers Al Conde
Linda Capobianco remembers Stella Cifordella
?? remembers Ed and Norma Fitzgerald
?? remembers Jan and Fran Healing
Pat Burke remembers Father Tony Hemphill
Sister Clara Schroeder remembers Babe Stap
Hilarie Reinold remembers Joan Walsh Zarsky
Father Jay Bowden remembers 
Joan Walsh Zarsky


Dear Cursillistas,

This coming Thursday as we know is Thanksgiving. Do not know where the time goes.

We do have a lot to be thankful for. Jesus reminds us all  all the time that He is with us. I know i am thankful for the blessings he has Blessed me with,  especially when we stop to think about what we have experienced as a whole with the pandemic. Jesus reminds us that he is here with us.

This Coming Sunday is this feast of Christ the King.. I always loved this feast. 

As we come close to the season of Advent let us prepare ourselves for the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes we get overwhelmed and caught up with all that has to be done for Christmas.Take time and pray and focus and walk with our Lord. Talk to him. He Knows what we want and desire in life.

I will be praying for all of you as i always do this Thanksgiving. Remember pray pray pray.

Happy Blessed Thanksgiving to all.

Robert Lauricella
Lay Director.

P.S.: Remember our Mass will be Friday December 3  St. Johns R.C. CHURCH, 519 Chestnut Street, Lakehurst, NJ at 7PM.

Manchester Ultreya is hosting. They mentioned if anyone would like to bring something to add to the food you are welcome to bring cakes or cookies. 

Looking ahead our next SOL is Saturday December 11th. 10 am Epiphany R.C. Church.


DeColores, Cursillistas,

As I reflect on the month of November, I always think of Thanksgiving as a day that we give thanks. We should be thankful everyday. Our Lord is smiling down on all of us. The Love he has for us is so profound. We are his and his we are. God is good all the time.

In the month of November we also remember all who have gone before us who are living their fifth day with Our Lord in heaven. Please know that I have everyone on my heart and on my prayer list.

Hope to see everyone soon.

DeColores, Robert J Lauricella
Lay Director, Trenton Cursillo

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