The September 20, 2018 edition of the Trenton Monitor includes an article titled "Cursillo members enjoy evening of prayer, renewal, fellowship."
The article, written by Rose O'Connor opens:
"The Cursillo community in the Diocese of Trenton gathered Sept. 7 in St. Raphael-Holy Angels Church, Hamilton, where they prayed and supported each other on their journeys of faith."
You can read the entire article at this link. Thank you to Rose and the Trenton Monitor for this article. |

Oh, what a night! The Diocesan Mass on Friday, September 7, was such a joyous, heartwarming and emotional event. The community was blessed by having three, yes, three priests con-celebrate: Father Ed Blanchett, pastor Visitation, Brick, Father Jay Bowden and Father Jerome Guld from Saint Joseph's in Toms River. Many cursillistas came out and brought their friends, curious to know what Cursillo is about.
Father Ed's humble and relevant talk on recent events had most of us teary-eyed. It also gave us hope and inspiration to continue in our faith and love of the Church.
This was followed by the installation of our new Post Cursillo Section Head, Terri D'Andrea. Adelaide Sangiorgi had already extended her term on Secretariat as the Post Cursillo Head and Terri was gracious enough to say yes to replacing Adelaide. We want to thank Adelaide for her devotion, hard work and untiring efforts working with the Ultreya Heads and Secretariat. Adelaide will be missed. We also want to welcome Terri to the new position and extend our prayers and best wishes as she takes on this new role.
To complete our dedication to Trenton Cursillo, the entire Secretariat team renewed their commitment to the community for another year.
It didn't end there. Robert Lauricella gave a beautiful witness to why we are all here (at Cursillo), knowing we have all been touched by this personal experience as he has been and admits that he continues to be affected by Cursillo every day.
Putting us over the top was Marie Garrett who had found a touching, beautiful writing about our priests. The priests were asked to look at their hands and never forget that those hands were consecrated to Christ and able to transform ordinary bread and wine into His Body and Blood. The Church and its followers are depending upon our priests to carry out God's work on earth: "Do this in remembrance of Me". How else would we attain salvation without our priests who are so precious to us?
It was so apparent that the congregation was on fire from the Holy Spirit, fellowship afterwards was a chorus of voices making friends, being friends and bringing friends to Christ. De Colores!
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