In my humble opinion (he is 2nd) only to Mary the Mother of God. The most powerful prophet of the New Testament, john follows the footsteps of Elijah, & Elisha. Elisha asked & received a double portion of the holy–spirit.
John was filled with the Holy Spirit for God knew him before he was born. It was god who named him John & God who delivered him to precede Jesus. God has given our families the gift of the Baptism by water and fire. Dad’s lead there children to the Baptism of fire through living out there own baptismal promises. To be priest, prophet, and king in family life.
In fact we have become well over two billion Catholics and the millions more of Christians baptized in faith.
God has delivered us John the Baptist to make ready the world’s children to find redemption at the feet of Jesus.
We the people of God are the Josephs and Mary’s that lead our families on the road of eternal life.
I find it necessary to talk about life, the life given to us from conception to natural death. A journey of being human (human being that is) a life of marriage, (Catholic marriage) between man and woman to be fruitful and multiply.
The sixty-eight million Catholics in the United States and the other Christian churches that still believe in the sanctity of marriage must stay the course and fight for married life. There are many who think it is okay for two men or two women to be married before god on holy-ground but it is not!
We all have stories about our own sin the sin that has a hold on us that sin that we do daily battle with. That sin that Jesus says go and sin no more, no matter if that be addiction to drugs or alcohol or homosexuality the Lord wants us to give it up one day at a time. And so we do battle between the goodness of god and the evil of Satan.
It is through our baptism that we achieve this; it is God's grace that we should overcome sin to be eternally happy in heaven forever. It is through Jesus Christ that he forgives us again and again until we get it right. The sacraments of his church are to be used for God’s plan of salvation. John the Baptist leads us to the savior that we become less that that god become more. To be perfect as the heavenly father is perfect. The church is perfect when it leads us in truth. We become perfect through the sacraments and only in the sacraments is perfection achieved in the father.
The father has given us these seven to attain heaven and he has given us these tools to evangelize our families and our neighbors in his kingdom. If you want to be happy for the rest of your life sing his praise to the glory of god and surrender daily to love. And who is love? It is the Lord and Peter that was lightly clad put on his garment and swam to shore. It is the Lord. Let us cloth our nakedness in love.
If we want to be happy for the rest of our lives!
Follow truth!
Peace be with you
Deacon John Clymore