DeColores, Cursillistas!

It is with great pleasure to announce that we are sponsoring in partnership with Metuchen Diocese Cursillo a Cursillo de Cursillos (CDC). The CDC is a Diocesan Workshop intended for those Cursillistas who are the leaders in the Diocesan Cursillo Movement. Cursillistas who have the desire to learn about the Foundational Charism are encouraged to attend. The Cursillo Spiritual Advisors are also encouraged to attend. This can be an excellent opportunity to recharge and energize your evangelization the Cursillo way.

The CDC team consists of Regional Members and our own beloved Ronnie Martella will be on team. DATES    March 15 to 18, 2018TIMES    Thursday evening to Sunday afternoon (same as Cursillo weekend)
LOCATION    Blue Army Shrine Washington NJ  (we can carpool)
COST    $200 per person

There are two beds per room and open to both men and women.  Men, of course, will room with men, and women with women, unless they're husband and wife.

If you are interested, please contact me at weismary@yahoo.com or call me at 732-939-0172. Rooms are limited.

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MCC Trenton - Movimiento de Cursillos de Christiandad de Trenton