"I’m forwarding the latest news from our Sr. Ann Crawley in Haiti that was sent to Sr. Sheila, our Congregation Leader, that I’m requesting you to send out on the Prayer Tree.  There are also photos attached. Please thank the Cursillo Community for all their PRAYERS. Many thanks, Sr. Clara

Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace

Pursuing justice, we seek God's gift of peace.
September 8, 2017

Dear Clara,  

Thanks, all, for your prayers.  This email arrived from Sister Ann today along with some photos below.

Sheila, your prayers have been answered; we have weathered the storm and have come through safely though exhausted.  Thanks too for the prayers and support of all our Sisters, Associates and Friends. Our people of Haiti are fine. They have lost crops and many houses are in ruins but they are alive and well and that's what matters.  

Thanks be to God for our newly built houses which gave protection and shelter to many poor families. I have been visiting with families this morning bringing  food packs  which contain all the essential nutrients and vitamins . All were absolutely delighted all to get the food which can be prepared in minutes!  My band of helpers aided in the distribution to about 1000 families.

Sheila, once more thank you for your prayers and support at this critical time and for the prayers  of our many friends and Associates.  

God bless all. Ann

Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, 399 Hudson Terrace, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

Some photos taken this morning.   Houses in ruins after the storms. Fallen banana trees which these people depend on for food.  Distribution of food packs.

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