Please begin your palanca for the Team and Candidates for Trenton 125. The theme is "Please Come In, The Door is Open" 

The Team

Father Jay Bowden, Spritual Director
Father Ed Blanchett, Spritual Director
Father Jerome Guld,  Spritual Director       
Deacon Tony Martucci, Spritual Director
Al Martella, Rector
Rick Klarmann, Assistant Rector
Mike Ivanko, Liturgist

Bob Burke, Warden, Prayer Team
Robert Lauricella, Auxiliary
John Capuano, Auxiliary

Confirmed candidates:
Nicholas Grippo (William Grippo)
Matthew Lucas (Tony Martucci)
Joseph Seelinger (Robert Burke)
John Carlucci (George and Mary Weis)
Tom Maier (Tim Fikete)
Michael Mastrocola (Tom McGuire)
Michael Gaynor (Carole Gaynor)

Tentative candidates:

Alton Drake (Robert Lauricello)
Edwin (Eddie) Petruzzi (Tony Martucci)
Westley Pamphile (Johnny DiStefano)
Les Bauer (Johnny DiStefano)
John Juchniewicz (Johnny DiStefano)
Kyle Johnson (Johnny DiStefano)
Adam Johnson (Johnny DiStefano)

We also ask that you pray from home or work for the following presenters and their talks:

Ideal (Bob) Friday 9:30 AM
Layperson in Church (Michael) Friday 1:15 PM
Piety (Deacon Tony) Friday 4:15 PM
Study (Al) Saturday 9:15 AM
Action (John) Saturday 2 PM
Leaders (Rick) Saturday 6:30 PM
Study of the Enviornment (Robert) Sunday 9:10 AM
Christianity in Action (Rick) Sunday 1 PM
Cursillista Beyond The Cursillo and Total Security (Al) Sunday 2 PM

Know Yourself (Deacon Tony) Thursday 8:30PM
The Prodigal Son (Father Jerome) Thursday 9:30PM
The Three Glances of Christ (Father Jerome) Friday 7:15AM
Habitual Grace (Father Jay) Friday 10:30AM
Actual Grace (Deacon Tony) Friday 2:15PM
The Person of Christ (Father Jay) Saturday 7AM
Sacraments (Father Ed/Deacon Tony) Saturday 10:15AM
Obstacles to a Life of Grace (Deacon Tony) Saturday 3:30PM
Christ’s Message to the Cursillista (Deacon Tony) Sunday 7:15AM
Life in Grace (Father Jay) Sunday 10:40AM 

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