We were also very privileged and honored to have a Guest Speaker!!
John Klarmann, youngest son of our Lay Director, Rick Klarmann, told of his own mission through FOCUS, Fellowship of Catholic University Students, and how that community on campus changed his life to work for Christ and spread the gospel to other college students, which he will start at the University of Maine in August. John gave witness to his own epiphany and direct calling from God to do this missionary work that is so vital to our youth today and the further development of our Catholic faith with the millennial generation.
For further information, check out the line: www.focus.org/missionaries/john-klarmann where you can learn more about how John is planning to change the world by winning over students to Christ.
Join us next month, August 13, when we will continue our Matthew Kelly's series, "Seven Pillars of Spirituality" and also get updated on the Diocese's assessment of Evangelization and its endeavors to reach out to our fellow Catholics.
Thank you,