I would like to take this time to thank all who have donated defray the cost of the upcoming women's Cursillo weekend. At it stands right now, we are a little over half way to the goal of $2000. With four more months to go, I am confident we will be able to reach the goal. Thank you all for your generosity and please continue to pray for the team, the potential candidates, and our movement.
God bless, Rick Klarmann
We were also very privileged and honored to have a Guest Speaker!!
John Klarmann, youngest son of our Lay Director, Rick Klarmann, told of his own mission through FOCUS, Fellowship of Catholic University Students, and how that community on campus changed his life to work for Christ and spread the gospel to other college students, which he will start at the University of Maine in August. John gave witness to his own epiphany and direct calling from God to do this missionary work that is so vital to our youth today and the further development of our Catholic faith with the millennial generation.
For further information, check out the line: www.focus.org/missionaries/john-klarmann where you can learn more about how John is planning to change the world by winning over students to Christ.
Join us next month, August 13, when we will continue our Matthew Kelly's series, "Seven Pillars of Spirituality" and also get updated on the Diocese's assessment of Evangelization and its endeavors to reach out to our fellow Catholics.
Thank you,
“If you remain
in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done
for you. By this is my Father glorified, that you bear
much fruit and become my disciples. As the
Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain
in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his
love. “
John 15: “I have told you
this so that my joy may be in you and
your joy may be complete. This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.
This scripture is part of the parable of The Vine and the Branches. I want to focus
on the concept of joy. Joy and happiness are not the same. Happiness is a
fleeting feeling. It cannot last and is often short-lived. Joy, however, is a gift
of God, one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. We can be joyful even in the midst of trials
and stress. During my convalescence from surgery, even in pain I was blessed to
have joy. I felt the love of God; I felt it through your prayers, Mass cards,
calls and visits. YOU were Christ to me and I felt Him wrap me in His arms as I
slowly recuperated. I am talking about the joy of the Lord.
Joy is the result of our relationship with God. Christ felt
that joy throughout His life. The only moment that it seemed to be missing was that moment on the cross when He felt the
weight of our sins upon Him and cried out: “My God, My God! Why have you
abandoned me?”
I have heard that Gandhi was quite taken by Christianity,
but could not accept it. “If Christians truly believed what is preached in
their faith, then why are they so sober and lacking in joy?”
Think of how you feel on Christmas, or on Easter Sunday as
you enter the Church and see the decorations. Surely your heart rate increases
a bit, you smile a little more. There is something very special at that time. That
is the joy we should have every moment of our Christian life.
When my grandchildren come to my home, they run to Pat and
me, arms opened and give us a big hug. “I love you and missed you, Grandpa!”
they shout. My heart fills with joy. That is how the fruit of the spirit is
when we recognize how close Christ is to us. He is within us and we are in Him.
Christ told His disciples, “You will realize that I am in my
Father and you are in me and I in you.” (John 14)
In this world that is falling apart right before our eyes,
let us remember that Christ has conquered the Evil One and that nothing can
happen that He will not turn to good. God loves us and wants to bring us into
full communion with Him. Let us then celebrate His love- and show the world the
Joy that is within us.
‘If you have Jesus in your heart, please notify your face!’
‘If you have Jesus in your heart, please notify your face!’
The Department of Evangelization and Catechesis is pleased to host Dr. Edward Sri at the Church of St. Robert Bellarmine in Freehold, NJ for our August 18th Formation Day. Because Dr. Sri’s presentations on mercy are not specific to catechesis, this event is open to all that are interested in attending and not just those in catechesis. Please encourage your friends, family, and fellow parishioners to attend.
Dr. Sri is a prolific writer and international speaker that is well known for his many endeavors, including the Symbolon formation program and a brand new video based study on the Gospel of John by Ascension Press.
Register On-Line at www.dioceseoftrenton.org/EdwardSri by August 12
Formation Day for All
Thursday, August 18, 2016
St. Robert Bellarmine
61 Georgia Rd., Freehold, NJ
Celebration of The Mass
$15 per person/light breakfast, lunch
Dr. Sri is a prolific writer and international speaker that is well known for his many endeavors, including the Symbolon formation program and a brand new video based study on the Gospel of John by Ascension Press.
Register On-Line at www.dioceseoftrenton.org/EdwardSri by August 12
Formation Day for All
Thursday, August 18, 2016
St. Robert Bellarmine
61 Georgia Rd., Freehold, NJ
Celebration of The Mass
$15 per person/light breakfast, lunch
From Rick Klarmann, Lay Director:
If you have submitted an application, we must ask that you RESUBMIT the application.
Blank applications can be found at this link.
Complete applications, can be e-mailed to Rick Klarmann at rick.klarmann@gmail.com OR mail to Rick Klarmann, 18 Tomahawk Drive, Burlington, NJ 08016.
Thank you for your assistance!
Blank applications can be found at this link.
Complete applications, can be e-mailed to Rick Klarmann at rick.klarmann@gmail.com OR mail to Rick Klarmann, 18 Tomahawk Drive, Burlington, NJ 08016.
Thank you for your assistance!
A Note from Donna Goodwin, Coordinator, Respect Life Ministry, Diocese of Trenton
Dear Friends,
The Reset 2016-Stand with Jesus Rally on the National Mall in Washington DC on July 16, 2016 is slated to be a generation-defining moment. For information about this free rally visit http://reset2016.com/about-together2016/ or www.reset2016.com.
Ginnie Untisz of St. William the Abbot Parish in Howell is gathering people from parishes in the Diocese to travel together to this event. If your parish or youth group plans on attending, please contact Ginnie at 732-501-0816 or ginnieuntisz@yahoo.com.
Dear Friends,
The Reset 2016-Stand with Jesus Rally on the National Mall in Washington DC on July 16, 2016 is slated to be a generation-defining moment. For information about this free rally visit http://reset2016.com/about-together2016/ or www.reset2016.com.
Ginnie Untisz of St. William the Abbot Parish in Howell is gathering people from parishes in the Diocese to travel together to this event. If your parish or youth group plans on attending, please contact Ginnie at 732-501-0816 or ginnieuntisz@yahoo.com.
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