Upcoming Retreat:
Everyone is invited to our next diocesan Mass which will be held Friday Dec 5 at San Alfonso Retreat house. Following the Mass and fellowship our retreat will start that evening and finish on Sunday Dec 7th. The cost of the retreat will be $150. The retreat will include talks by Fr. Ed, Sister Simon and Deacon Tony, along with reflection and private time. More information about San Alfonso's can be found at http://www.sanalfonsoretreats. org/
If you would like to attend, you can let your ultreya leader know or send an email to us at trentoncursillo@gmail.com.
National Encounter in Philadelphia 2015:
The next National Encounter will be held July 23-25, 2015 at Villanova University, outside of Philadelphia. Region 2 will be very involved in the planning and all the lay directors of the region are asking the cursillistas in their diocese to consider volunteering at the encounter, as a matter of fact Jacquelyn DeMesme-Gray, Region II Coordinator has been asked to be the committee chair. More information about the encounter and what committees will need volunteers is coming soon. Jackie has asked for a list from the lay directors by December 1st so please pray about it and step out with faith and joy to be part of this encounter.