If anyone were to ask for an example of the Cursillo community in the diocese of Trenton, I'd love to be able to show them a video of Friday night's School of Leaders. Better still to have been able to have them there. The Holy Spirit is always with us but there are some times when we are open and bubbling over with Christian joy that the Spirit is literally visible. That was Friday night. So it seemed contradictory to announce to community that the Men's weekend-scheduled for Feb 27 to March 2- has been postponed. There were only a few definite yes responses. But I believe that God's plan for us is unfolding and when we look and listen, we'll see what He wants us to learn and ultimately do.
At last November's School of Leaders we remembered the Cursillistas who have died and many shared a certain special connection with one or more of those people. That, along with the women's team sendoff, was a very touching indicator of how strong the bonds between us go, how deep the love. In December we heard witness from the three Amigos from the weekend. Each woman shared in her own way what formation, the weekend and the movement meant to them. And this past Friday Rick asked us each to introduce ourselves and say, if we remembered, our table name from our original weekend. Again there was sharing about weekend themes, table names, people- some who have died and some with us, some who were in that room Friday night- the people who touched us, taught us, moved us, inspired us, challenged us, opened us up-sometimes in child like ways, to God and the love and life God wants us to have. Over and over, beautiful, tender witnesses to the bond we share. And to what brings us together, unites us and keeps us going - our belief in and love of our God - always at the core of our life and our relationships.
Sister Simon shared a talk entitled "Do whatever He tells you". She shared how those words from Mary form a prayer, a framework from which we can go about life. We can grow into God's will as Mary did and learn that we are part of the family and we, like Mary, are called to recognize our part and place in that family. We join together as that family to do whatever He tells us.
Rick then spoke about being challenged to get out of his comfort zone, to move beyond the level of involvement he has with others and shared his son John's involvement in the Newman Club at college. The young people there speak of being disciples in the most natural way - what a joy to hear about young people alive and involved in their faith! We can learn from them.
Rick spoke about Paul's letter to the church at Corinth in which he reminded them they are called to be holy and united in the same purpose. Rick told us all we are necessary. Necessary to him and to the movement but most importantly, necessary to God. He offered a tool to focus us on one of our 4th day's most important activities, the study of our environment. He suggested we write down the names of the person/people with whom we would like to establish and/or deepen a relationship. Having the names written down can make the idea of personal contact and growing discipleship clearer and more real for us. Someone suggested posting them on the refrigerator so they'd be seen often!
The weekend had to be postponed and it is disappointing. But we can take that and use it to recommit ourselves. We can be refreshed and reminded about who we are, what we are called to, what we have said in our pastoral plan we believe we can and are called to do. There is a link, in the upper right hand corner, of the website to the pastoral plan if you'd like to download and read it. I'll also be addressing some of the elements of the plan in the future, especially as they connect with what Sister Simon and Rick shared.
On Friday night, as we closed with prayer, Rick committed us at School of Leaders to prayer as a community for upcoming weekends, teams and candidates. Let us join our personal prayer and palanca to that of the community gathered together for God's guidance and inspiration. Jesus and us-an unbeatable combination!
DeColores and ULTREYA!
DeColores and ULTREYA!
P.S. If you would like to see an uplifting short video on the Newman Center at Montclair State University that Rick spoke about, click here.
P.S. If you would like to see an uplifting short video on the Newman Center at Montclair State University that Rick spoke about, click here.