Our brother and former Trenton Cursillo Lay Director, Len Capobianco writes asking for prayers and help for a new ministry.

He writes: 

“Oh that you would bless me indeed
and, enlarge my territory
that Your hand would be with me,
and, that you would keep me from evil…”
1 Chronicles 4:10 (The Prayer of Jabez)

About three years ago I received a gift which was a book, “The Prayer of Jabez-Breaking through to the Blessed Life”. The second line of the Prayer of Jabez, “and, enlarge my territory” has become part of my daily prayer life. That line refers to ministry as territory. In March of this year I decided to retire as I had suffered another heart attack and thought it was time to sit back and relax. I’ve been praying to our Lord to expand my ministry beyond my current involvement in Kenosis (Prison Ministry). As I ask in my prayer “Lord you know my limitations”. 

On July 24, I set out for Yardville State prison as it was the fourth Wednesday of the month and that is when Kenosis meets with the inmates who have made a Kenosis. That evening is like Ultreya for the Kenosis participants. As has been custom for the past several years I met with one of my Kenosis brothers (from the outside) at Mastoris restaurant for dinner before going into the prison for our 7pm reunion with the inmates. As I sat down at a table I noticed Rev. Ray DuBois having dinner. I went over to Rev. Ray to extend a Christian greeting, and we started to reminisce about the early days of Kairos’ beginning in the late seventies. Rev. Ray was instrumental in getting Kairos started in this state as he was a full time Chaplain in the NJ State Prison system. After exchanging pleasantries Rev. Ray told me that he was currently ministering to veterans suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Rev. Ray is also a certified counselor who worked for Carrier Clinic for many years. Rev. Ray noted that it would be a wonderful thing if we could put together a “weekend” for the veterans that he is ministering to that are suffering from PTSD. I told Rev. Ray that I would think about that possibility and call him. After our meeting at Mastoris I went to Yardville and after waiting for the normal security check I was denied access as my name was not on the visitors list. That was the first time since 1981 that I was denied access. It was a simple administrative error, but I had traveled nearly forty miles for nothing. Or did I? My thought on the ride home was, Lord are you answering my prayer after three years, (“and enlarge my territory”). Last week after several weeks of prayer I called Rev. Ray and we set up a meeting which we had today. After sharing our thoughts we both determined that such a weekend would be possible, and it could fulfill a serious need in the veteran community. Was my purpose that evening to only meet Rev. Ray DuBois? 

During today’s meeting Rev. Ray said that the weekend would be very similar to a Gennesaret, as the TEAM would have to consist of several counselors who specialize in treating PTSD, along with other veterans who have experienced either, a Cursillo, Tres Dias, or Kairos/Kenosis, and several clergy. The candidates could be veterans that have served in the Viet Nam, Dessert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts that are suffering from PTSD many of which have difficulty with “forgiveness” issues. As Christians, we know that all is possible through the Love of Christ. And so that would be the message/theme of the weekend, FORGIVENESS.

In order to get the weekend started we would need to find a location for a two or three day retreat (two or three days to be determined). A military base that could house the retreat might be the best environment. We would need minimal funding for supplies. Rev. Ray will recruit the PTSD counselors. I am requesting any Cursillo or Tres Dias community with past or present military service who would like to volunteer as part of the team contact me. Clergy does not have to have past military experience, although it would be helpful. Anyone who knows any contacts that may help in any of the requirements or would like to extend their help may contact me.

In closing, I thank you for any consideration you may extend to these needs.

Your Brother in Christ, Len Capobianco  

Len can be reached at (732) 608-7277 (home), (732) 600-1286 (cell) or

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