Make a friend, be a friend, bring that friend to Christ. We have all heard that many times. Have you ever noticed that the last line is bring that friend to Christ, not to a Cursillo weekend. But what about candidates for any weekend like the two we have scheduled for November and next February.
If we are a relationship with someone, we share about our life with them and they share theirs with us, if we are supportive and witness to our journey with the Lord, then when the time is right the natural outcome of that relationship might very well be that they are ready to live a Cursillo weekend.
So let us continue to establish relationships with others that will allow for us to share our life in Christ with others. Invite that person to Ultreya, perhaps a friendship group reunion, Cursillo activity or Diocesan Mass. And be aware and open for the time to be right for that person to live a Cursillo weekend.
If you have a relationship with someone who is ready, please get that filled out and signed application to your Ultreya leader so they can pass the application on to the Pre-Cursillo section and the information to the Cursillo section.
As always - we continue our palanca for the candidates and teams of the upcoming weekends. Hoang Tran, who is the National Cursillo Service Administrator, said at the National Encounter "Palanca is prayer and sacrifice wrapped in love". What better description is there of Cursillistas? How do we continue to serve God; to reach out to others with the best news of the best reality...the Good News of God in our world; to sacrifice our time, talent, energy? Because, again from Hoang Tran, our common denominator is...LOVE as sisters and brothers in the Lord.
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