THOUGHTS ON THE DAY OF REFLECTION by Ronnie Martella, Lay Director

Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Last Saturday Sister Simon and Father Ed gave us a day of reflection on the Liturgical seasons and more. Father reminded us that while we have faith in the eternal, we live in time and our lives are marked by certain events and observations. He walked us through the church year and highlighted how each of those seasons opens for us a window on a deeper relationship with God. Opening ourselves up can be a fearful thing, but reflect on this quote from Henri Mouwen that shows us what is possible if we can get past the fear:

“Dear God,
I am so afraid to open my clenched fists!
Who will I be when I have nothing left to hold on to?
Who will I be when I stand before you with empty hands?
Please help me to gradually open my hands
and to discover that I am not what I own,
but what you want to give me.”
― Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Only Necessary Thing: Living a Prayerful Life

Sister Simon walked us through Ordinary time and then gave us some not so ordinary words, or to be more precise letters to help us with our walk…Dr. Seuss’ “On Beyond Zebra”. What will we see, what will we learn, what can we feel if we go beyond, beyond ourselves and our fears into the world God has for us.

We won’t know until we try and one way we can go beyond is to join with others to listen, learn, and grow at School of Leaders.

This Friday, April 19, is School of Leaders. We start at 8PM at the Parish Hall, also known as the little church on the corner at Epiphany.

So let’s join together in prayer, in fellowship and in our love of God. Aren't you curious to know what God wants to give to you??

Ultreya and DeColores, 

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