At School of Leaders last week, Robert opened with a wonderful reflection on letting God "transform" us and in doing so allowing ourselves to be transformed again and again in all our life's circumstances(4th Day). It opened the way for the talks and the sharing which spoke of stepping out in Faith (surrender to God's Will....saying "yes" first and not sweating the details)

Father Ed really drove home what a treasure we have in our Catholic Faith that it is the only "complete" repository of TRUTH-we are the fortunate ones, blessed to be Catholic, blessed to be Cursillistas, blessed to be with each other at School, at Ultreya, in groups-wherever we can gather.  Father reminded us of the four Marks of the Church-One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic- and how we can find in each of these what God wants for us and calls us to as followers.

Dick Andrejack took those points and looked at them in a way that witnessed to a Christian life, lived to the full. Dick heard the call (from me to speak and from God), he listened, responded, prayed, and prepared. He was open to the Spirit and found in the Bishop’s letter what we need to live a life of faith. The letter confirms who we are and what we believe, and that we are co-responsible for handing on the faith.

Dick urged us to read the letter, pass it on to others and to pull out what speaks to us.

The letter can be found at this link.

What a wonderful return to School of Leaders following the summer. I am looking forward to continuing the conversation about how we live in faith, how we can deepen our faith and how we share that faith with us. I hope you join us on Friday, October 19 at the Epiphany Parish Hall.

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