A Message from Our Lay Director, Mary Ann Dowd

Beloved Cursillistas,

Last week the words to the hymn....."we got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in our hearts" kept going through my head.  I had no idea why until we attended the Regional Encounter on the weekend.  The encounter was wonderful in all the ways we hold dear as Cursillistas.  It was an encounter with self, God and our neighbors.  But, it wasn't until the very end of the weekend, when we had some closing thoughts from our regional Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Andre Meluskey, that i realized the reason for this recurring song.  Father shared with us that in his 53 years as a Priest, his most intimate, touching and unforgetable experience was living his Cursillo in Christianity!  He reminded us that living the life of a Christian is, in his words, "a party".......he challenged us to let the world know that indeed we got that joy...joy....joy...joy down in our hearts.

Forever DeColores!
Mary Ann xo

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