This Friday, April 20th is School of Leaders.  We will begin at 8pm and finish the review and update of the Pastoral Plan.  To see the updates/changes made to date you can go to the the link in the upper right hand corner, under the We Remember and Gennesaret tabs.  The changes are marked with the dates they were made.

At Mass, last Friday evening, Hilare Reinold gave a wonderful witness about things communal and community.  She spoke about hearing at a communal penance service that we gather together because we know God loves us and wants the best for us. The times that we come together, whether it is a Cursillo weekend, Gennesaret, Ultreya, or small group, we get a glimpse of the world as it can be with everyone serving each other, using the gifts we have been given for the good of all.  Let us continue to work together toward that common goal of building the kingdom of God here-right where we are.  Our work on the Pastoral Plan is one part of that journey--come and join us and make Trenton Cursillo even better as we move forward guided by the Holy Spirit.

DeColores and Buen Camino,

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MCC Trenton - Movimiento de Cursillos de Christiandad de Trenton