NOVEMBER SCHOOL OF LEADERS IS COMING by Ronnie Martella, Assistant Lay Director

I love mornings.  I love to be up before daylight, especially in the winter, to see the sky.  One day I went out and looked at the sky from one side of my house-there were no stars to see.  Oh I thought -it must be overcast.  Then I went out front to get the newspapers and there they were--the moon and stars!  From one perspective I made one observation and came to one conclusion about something.  If I hadn’t gone to the other side of the house, I would have stayed with that conclusion which, while not wrong for what I could see, wasn’t complete.  I also would have missed God’s beautiful creation on this particular day, in this particular way-which would never be seen this way again.

Perhaps there are things, maybe even people, that you have seen from one vantage point and you’ve made decisions or came to conclusions about that something or someone. Could you consider a different vantage point or perhaps try another time to look at something or someone?  Are you ready to move to a place where you can get a different, a more complete perspective from which you can make decisions? 

This Friday November 18th is School of Leaders at 8 pm in the Parish Hall (little white church) at Epiphany in Brick.  Perhaps you’ve never been to School of Leaders and aren’t quite sure what it is about or what to expect.  Maybe you haven’t been in a while or maybe you are able to join us each month but no matter-come, see & learn with a new perspective.  School of Leaders is a place to learn about Cursillo, the Movement overall and Trenton Cursillo in particular.  There you will hear two talks and share with others.  The learning and sharing experienced at School of Leaders is at the core of the Cursillo Movement-friendship in Christ as we journey together as pilgrims.  Each time you join us we are all richer and the community grows in love.

Ronnie Martella

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