Beloved Cursillistas,

A final chapter in the book recounting the Charism of Cursillo is Eduardo Bonnin's Spiritual Testament.  He talks of how the Holy Spirit Blessed and preserved our movement from the time of his youth until his 90's.  He considered the Cursillo in Christianity the greatest gift he could pass on to future Christians in love and fellowship.  

This Thanksgiving in the Diocese of Trenton we have much  for which to be grateful to God; both individually and as a community.  As I count my blessings, you will all be present among them as will those three blessed days of God's Grace poured out as Love.  May the Lord bless you and keep you may He make HIS Face Shine upon you and give you His Peace.  Happy Thanksgiving.

Forever DeColores!
Mary Ann Dowd xo

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MCC Trenton - Movimiento de Cursillos de Christiandad de Trenton