OCTOBER SCHOOL OF LEADERS IS COMING by Ronnie Martella, Assistant Lay Director

Fellow Cursillistas,

School of Leaders returned in September with a good crowd and two great speakers. We began our study of Pope Paul’s encyclical “On Evangelization in the Modern World”. Sister Simon started us off speaking about Pope Paul and Vatican II talking about ‘new responses to new questions’ and how Pope John Paul II went beyond that to call us to a New Evangelization. Sister reminded us that evangelization is when we accept God’s word, live in service and by our witness invite others to that life. It is a way of life, not a program in which no one is excluded and as ‘everyday evangelizers’ we are charged verbalize Christ in our lives and celebrate the story of God’s healing and renewal.

Frans Tholenaar gave the technique talk on pre-Cursillo, not the section but the way of living that makes it possible to be vertebrae-the backbone in the world. We are members of the community of saints and we shouldn’t take that lightly. Pre-Cursillo involves the selection of people that are in need of evangelization. It is not just a good time, there is a commitment involved. Frans challenged us to think in a new way, to “fish outside the fishbowl”-when studying the environments in which we find ourselves-the square meter around us. Many people we might not consider as candidates might deserve a first, or perhaps, a second look.

At the National Encounter in San Antonio this summer, we were reminded again and again of the value and importance of personal contact. Let’s look with new eyes at those around us-and allow the Holy Spirit to show us the people God has put in our path, the people with whom the saying “make a friend, be a friend and bring that friend to Christ” comes to life!

Some of those people have lived the last few weekends. How about reaching out an inviting some babe chicks to October School of Leaders. Come and see with new eyes, be open to new ways of looking at evangelization, share your walk with new and experienced Cursillistas, be reminded of how it is to be with community-only you can bring your gift and experience-come, be new-make us all better!

Hope to see you there!  Ronnie

Friday, October 7  School of Leaders @ Epiphany Parish Hall, Brick, NJ @ 8PM 

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